by | Jul 14, 2017 | Lava Overflight
July 13, 2017 Ivory May’s Lava Apologies for the delay… life got in the way. They say the best things are worth waiting for, so hope this follows suit. Honestly, I think this is some of the most beautiful lava we’ve been privileged to capture lately…...
by | Jul 8, 2017 | Lava Overflight
July 7, 2017 Hot Seat Pilot This week’s overflight reveals some of the footage to be seen in our new “VolcanoScapes” series entitled “The Hot Seat!” Stay tuned for exciting well-known guests, engaging visits with interesting Big Island...
by | Jun 30, 2017 | Lava Overflight
June 29, 2017 New Lava Skylights New skylights, a gorgeous pahoehoe flow above the Pali, and an ocean entry lava delta getting huge! Paradise pilot Rob Mitchell got us up close and personal with Pele. The 61G surface flows remain active both on the surface and...
by | Jun 23, 2017 | Lava Overflight
June 22, 2017 Beaucoup Lava A lava lake in rare form, gorgeous pahoehoe flows above the Pali, and lots of visible lava on the over three acre ocean entry lava delta! Paradise pilot Sean Regehr guided us effortlessly over the flow field, as always. The 61G surface...
by | Jun 18, 2017 | Lava Overflight
June 16, 2017 Father’s Day Flow Kī hō’alu (Hawaiian Slack Key guitar) by Hilo’s own Ben Kaili A very active lava lake, numerous pahoehoe and a’a flows oozing above and on the Pali, and lots of visible lava on the ever-growing ocean entry lava...